Former Conferences


Rebuilding Reputation After the Trust Meltdown

One would have expected that after the Lehman collapse the world had enough to absorb. But since our last conference we equally have been confronted with the fact that complete countries were declared bankrupt. The framing of these countries as PIGGS, a term by no surprise coming out of the banking sector, was a clear indicator that neither the business world nor the media properly understood the actual message from the Lehman downfall: we need a complete new restart if we want to overcome the TRUST MELTDOWN.

With BP in 2010 handling the disaster as if their Alaska pipeline crisis a few years ago had never happened, with religious leaders unwilling to face facts and consequences from child abuse, burka discussions and resignations, we now come together for our 11th International Agenda Setting Conference from October 27-29, connected through hope that quality might finally be seen as the key to regain this trust and sustainable success. THE ECONOMISTS´ latest sales figures show clearly that solid journalism is needed and desired more than ever in these times.

We are privileged to have a similar prestigious group of leading journalists, managers, politicians and scientist from around the world gathered in Switzerland to discuss latest trends around media impact, and how to understand the Agenda Setting effects in a constructive way.

Welcome at the Zurich lake. Welcome to another two days of intense data-driven debates on how and where media did progress – such as in areas of reporting on economic development, the coverage of religion, or the fact that Africa seems to be a place of fun and value – beyond the FIFA 2010 World Cup…

Roland Schatz
CEO Media Tenor International

Mabel van Oranje

Mabel van Oranje


The Elders, London

15th Agenda Setting Conference